About Us


To support the families experiencing the dynamics of domestic violence to lead productive and harmonious lives.


To strengthen and empower migrant families experiencing the dynamics of family violence whilst settling into a new society and ensuring their safety and future overall well-being by providing effective and holistic services.


Often ethnic women in New Zealand bring with them minds and bodies that have been conditioned to the prospect of domestic violence.  Ethnic women find themselves isolated and at the mercy of their male partners and subjugated to antiquated patriarchal belief systems.

NZSWA encourages the education and empowerment of Sikh Punjabi women and their families within New Zealand.

Major stakeholders are the South East Asian and Asian women and their families. NZSWA takes an holistic approach in providing appropriate services to the community and reinforcing the inclusion of core values of our culture within South East Asian migrants living within New Zealand society.


NZSWA strategic objective is to build a strong structure, managerial skills and policies to develop and enhance capability, and to provide integrated services that address the needs of migrant families around South Auckland and support their smooth transitioning into the wider society.


NZSWA is guided by the management committee (committee) which, as the governance body is responsible for the values and strategic direction of the organisation which include:

  • ensuring all activities are guided by the vision and values of NZSWA
  • identifying emerging issues
  • planning future services
  • evaluating current services
  • assessing risk
  • establishing overall priorities for the organisation
  • developing and managing policy
  • ensuring sound financial systems are in place
  • ensuring sound organisational practices are in place
  • ensuring quality and best practice in service delivery are in place
  • ensuring the organisation complies with the requirements of the Charities Commission, Inland Revenue Department and other national or local government agencies
  • ensuring the good reputation of NZSWA is maintained


NZSWA is committed to a robust and sustainable infrastructure including:

  • robust financial systems with relevant and regular reporting
  • accessible office and information systems
  • policy & procedure manuals that demonstrate best practice
  • management of assets and information technology including software, hardware and potential uses
  • regular updates of current client data base and review of uses
  • development and management of information and resources (e.g brochures, posters)
  • scheduled professional development programmes for all staff
  • development and management of a monitoring system through periodic evaluation. (eg; supervision, external supervision, an overseeing body)
  • development and management of an informative and relevant website (Mid term)


NZSWA has a philosophy of accepting diversity while promoting a violence free community around South Auckland and is guided in its service delivery by the following objectives:

  • raised awareness of domestic violence to South East migrant families within South Auckland and Counties Manukau.
  • provision of appropriate social service support rendering quality service to victims of domestic violence.
  • provision of valued and competent response service to crisis from victims of domestic violence.
  • provision of culturally appropriate telephone assessments.
  • provision of appropriate response and action to victims of domestic violence, addressing their safety and well being.
  • provision of home visits and community outreach to help address clients’ socio-economic needs.
  • provision of holistic culturally appropriate services which respect clients’ backgrounds.
  • building of confidence and self empowerment within community members affected by domestic violence.
  • collaborative  and equal partnerships with clients, in particular with respect for their choices.
  • facilitation of appropriate professional development for social workers and volunteers updating their skills for smooth and competent response services.
  • establishment of culturally appropriate safe house or mid way home for women and children. (Long term)
  • establishment of respite centre for men experiencing domestic violence. (Long term)

We value our relationship with Maori as Tangata Whenua to New Zealand and recognise the importance of multi-cultural models of practice.